We at BPLA, The Blueprint Los Angeles, aren’t worried about who is the strongest or the fastest. We are about working hard together and leaving all egos at the front door. We have people come through these doors at all different fitness levels. Professional athletes, mothers, fathers, young, and old. All are here to reach a common goal, to live our best and healthiest life

We are adamant about coaching our clients before they hit the training floor. The real coaching starts when we have our Goal Setting Strategy Session. This is where we sit down with our members and dig deep to find out what they are really looking for and what goals drove them through our door. We support each other, we fight for each other and most of all we celebrate each other's success! At BPLA we are One Tribe and all are working towards a common goal. 

BPLA creates a customized training program for our members. We focus on eating right, training hard, and maximizing our fun. 

We are not a gym full of gimmicks and quick fixes like you’ll find elsewhere. There is no protein shake, 21 day fat burning quick fix here. Instead we focus on creating a roadmap to sustainable success, for a lifetime of health and happiness. 


We want to empower people to believe in their passion and connect them with their purpose while producing real, sustainable results. 

“As a training facility built on culture, community, and connection The Blueprint LA offers a wide range of group fitness classes with one goal: to bring people together in a positive, team-like atmosphere. Clear of egos and filled with positivity and empowerment, BPLA is driven by our clients’ results and we take pride in helping our community live with passion and purpose. “

-Kyle Flynn, Founder


Power — To Think Big 

Passion — ALL IN, Fall in Love with the Process

Purpose — Spread Health and Positivity 

Production — Commitment to Excellence in Everything We Do

Protect — Your Team. Have Each Other’s Back 


Respect Yourself and Others, We are in this Together

One Vibe, One Tribe.

It's not the Destination, it's the Journey

Be Hungry. Be Humble.

Positivity Leads to Winning


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